Alaska’s Dandelions!

We have made it back to the lower 48 states and are on the drive home, but I’m still thinking about Alaska, specifically about all the lovely dandelions!

Although the Alpine forget-me-not is the Alaskan state flower, we saw more dandelions than any other flower. These dandelions were much larger and more beautiful than the ones at home and I loved taking photos of them. Hope you will enjoy pictures of these lovely flowers!

We saw lots of dandelions adorning the sides of the highway.


The folks buried long ago in this cemetery at an old Russian Orthodox church are long forgotten with no living family to decorate their graves, but the dandelions do it for them!


At the Aboriginal festival in Terrance, Alaska we learned that dandelions make good jelly!


And food for mama bears!  This mama had two babies but I could never get a photo of the second cub who wanted to stay behind the bushes!  Guess he was the shy one!


One thought on “Alaska’s Dandelions!

  1. Debby Sampson

    Have enjoyed your fantastic journey through your eyes. So happy that you had such a wonderful experience. Loved all the photos. Have a safe journey home.


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